Alvin Greene might be crazy…

… but he’s famous, so his idea isn’t a bad one. Famous people print money with their ideas. Ordered list of things in order of their interest, least interesting thing, by virtue of its being at the end of the list can’t be at the end of the list, etc.

Alvin Greene, the Democratic Party’s nominee for United States Senator from South Carolina:

Another thing we can do for jobs is make toys of me, especially for the holidays. Little dolls. Me. Like maybe little action dolls. Me in an army uniform, air force uniform, and me in my suit. They can make toys of me and my vehicle, especially for the holidays and Christmas for the kids. That’s something that would create jobs. So you see I think out of the box like that. It’s not something a typical person would bring up. That’s something that could happen, that makes sense. It’s not a joke.

From The Guardian (HT: Agitator)

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